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From Script to Color Script to Style Frames

Every film starts with a story.

The script for Wander went through numerous drafts and revisions to ensure that screenwriters LeAnn Schmitt and Jacob Arnao were telling the story in the most authentic and emotionally engaging way possible.

Once the script was ready for the next step, LeAnn created the color script for the film.

A color script is a document that establishes the relationship between color and emotional beats in the story.  It solidifies the color palette for the animators to work with and, more importantly, helps the director ensure that the color symbolism is enhancing the visual storytelling.

With just a quick glance at the color script below, you can easily identify the emotional journey the main character, Chris, experiences through the course of the film.

Alongside the script and color script, LeAnn also created style frames for the film.  Like the color script, these are single frames that help capture the look and feel of the animation.  Character design and drawing style may not be the exact final version you'll see in the finished film, but they are an important tool for the filmmakers.  Not only do they keep the team working towards aesthetic unity, but they are also an integral part of the pitch deck for when the filmmakers need to pitch their project to potential investors, coworkers, or anyone else that might be interested in being involved in the film.

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